材料物理科学専攻の学生達は国際的な舞台でも活躍しています! −材料物理科学専攻学生諸氏の国際学会発表(2008年度)−
発表者 |
学年 |
研究室 |
発表題目 |
会議名 |
開催場所 |
開催年 |
Oral / Poster |
浅見 千裕 |
M2 |
三島・木村 |
Phase equilibria and diffusion
paths for the formtation of half-Heusler type thermoelectric
compound TiNiSn |
2008 MRS Fall Meeting |
Boston, USA |
2008 |
P |
足立 泰 |
M1 |
細野・神谷 |
Bistable resistance switching
in single crystal C12A7:O2- |
Chiba, Japan |
2008 |
O |
植田 茂紀 |
D2 社会人 |
梶原 |
Composition Dependence of
Kinetics for Cellular Precipitation in Ni-38Cr-Al Alloys |
Calphad XXXVII |
Saariselka, Finland |
2008 |
O |
魚谷 洋輔 |
M2 |
三島・木村 |
Effect of Ru Additions on
Phase Equilibria, Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of
E21 Co3AlC1-x Based Alloys |
TMS 2008 Annual Meeting |
New Orleans, USA |
2008 |
P |
太田 高志 |
D1 社会人 |
八島 |
Structural investigation of
the cubic perovskite-type doped lanthanum cobaltite
La0.4Ba0.6CoO3-x |
XXI Congress and General
Assembly of International Union of Crystallography 2008 |
Osaka, Japan |
2008 |
P |
小川 雄一郎 |
M2 |
肥後・曽根 |
Characterization of local
deformation microstructure in ferrous lathmartensite by using
micro-sized specimens |
2008 MRS Fall Meeting |
Boston, USA |
2008 |
P |
小郷 洋一 |
D3 |
細野・神谷 |
Tin monooxide as a 5s based
p-type oxide semiconductor: Epitaxial film growth and thin
film transistor |
European Mater. Res. Soc. Symp.
Fall Meeting |
Warsaw, Porland |
2008 |
O |
片瀬 貴義 |
M2 |
細野・神谷 |
Low-Temperature, Large-Domain
Growth of ZnO and GaN Epitaxial Films on Lattice-Matched
Buffer Layers |
Chiba, Japan |
2008 |
O |
國峯 崇裕 |
D1 |
加藤・尾中 |
Temperature and Strain Rate
Dependence of Flow Stress in Severely Deformed Copper by
Accumulative Roll Bonding |
International Symposium on
Giant Straining Process for Advanced Materials |
Fukuoka, Japan |
2008 |
P |
小泉 郁恵 |
M2 |
細野・神谷 |
Cu2-xSe / NPB and
Cu2-xSe / CuPc interfaces and lowering of hole
injection barriers |
Chiba, Japan |
2008 |
P |
才藤 浩介 |
M2 |
川路 |
Magnetic Properties and Low
Temperature Heat Capacity of
TbFexMn1-xO3 |
The Fourth International
Symposium on the New Frontiers of Thermal Studies of
Materials |
Yokohama, Japan |
2008 |
P |
笹目 健太 |
M1 |
川路 |
Phase Transition Properties of
PbTiO3 Solid Solutions |
The Fourth International
Symposium on the New Frontiers of Thermal Studies of
Materials |
Yokohama, Japan |
2008 |
P |
澤 敬一 |
M2 |
平山 |
Surface Electron Scattering at
Dislocations on Atomically Flat Thin Ag Films |
4th Vacuum and Surface Sciences
Conference of Asia and Australia |
Matsue, Japan |
2008 |
O |
A. K. Subramani |
D3 |
吉村・松下 |
Conducted Noise Supressing
Properties of the Mn-Zn-Ferrite Films Prepared by the
Spin-Spray Technique |
BMMP-8 |
Nagoya, Japan |
2008 |
P |
杉山 直大 |
D3 |
吉村・松下 |
Calcium Titanate and Sodium
Titanate Layer on Ti-based Bulk Metallic Glass for Biomedical
Application |
IUMRS-ICA 2008 |
Nagoya, Japan |
2008 |
O |
杉山 直大 |
D3 |
吉村・松下 |
Improvement in Bioactivity on
Ti-based Bulk Metallic Glass Surface Utilizing
Hydrothermal-Electrochemical Process |
Pacific Rim Meeting on
Electrochemical and Solid-State Science |
Honolulu, USA |
2008 |
P |
杉山 直大 |
D3 |
吉村・松下 |
Bioactivation of Bulk Metallic
Surface by Hydrothermal-electrochemical Method |
ISHA 2008 |
Nottingham, UK |
2008 |
O |
杉山 直大 |
D3 |
吉村・松下 |
Formation of Calcium Titanate
on Ti-based Bulk Metallic Glass and Biosoft Titanium Alloy |
Zurich, Swisserland |
2008 |
P |
杉山 直大 |
D3 |
吉村・松下 |
Growth of Bioactive Titanate
Nano-mesh on Ti-based Bulk Metallic Glass by Using
Hydrothermal-Electrochemical Method |
Tokyo, Japan |
2008 |
P |
高田 圭太 |
M2 |
川路 |
Inslator-Metal Transition and
Heat Capacity of Perovskite BaTiO3-d |
The 4th International Symposium
on the New Frontiers of Thermal Studies of Materials |
Yokohama, Japan |
2008 |
P |
高木 裕紀 |
M1 |
須崎 |
Controlling of the growth mode
of metastable MgO(111) ultrathin film by using metallic
substrates |
Japan-Korea Workshop on
Nanomaterials for IT |
Yokohama, Japan |
2008 |
O |
田嶋 啓佑 |
M2 |
吉村・松下 |
Synthesis and Characterization
of Oxynitride Perovskites LaAON2 (A=Nb,Ta) from
Metal Precursors in Supercritical Ammonia |
The 4th International Symposium
on the New Frontiers of Thermal Studies of Materials |
Yokohama, Japan |
2008 |
P |
野田 炎 |
M2 |
肥後・曽根 |
Characterization of texture
and microstructure of electrodeposited Ni layer |
2008 MRS Fall Meeting |
Boston, USA |
2008 |
P |
野村 尚利 |
D2 |
細野・神谷 |
Phase Transition and Electron
Density Distribution in High-Tc Superconductor
LaFeAsO1-xFx |
2008 MRS Fall Meeting |
Boston, USA |
2008 |
P |
野村 尚利 |
D2 |
細野・神谷 |
Tetragonal-orthorhombic phase
transition and the superconductivity in LaFeAsO |
International Symposium on
Fe-Oxipnictide Superconductors |
Tokyo, Japan |
2008 |
P |
半田 和行 |
D2 社会人 |
三島・木村 |
Thermo-mechanical Crack
Generation and Ultra-fine Grains Formation in Carbon Steel
Railway Wheels Under Conditions contact Load and Repeated Heat
Input |
Materials Science and
Technology 2008 |
Pittsburgh, USA |
2008 |
O |
半田 和行 |
D2 社会人 |
三島・木村 |
Ferrite and Spheroidized
Cementite Ultra-Fine Grains Formation in Fe-0.67%C Railway
Wheels Under Contact Stress and Frictional Heat |
The 17th Intnl. Federation for
Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering |
Kobe, Japan |
2008 |
O |
松崎 功佑 |
D3 |
細野・神谷 |
High mobility Cu2O
epitaxial films and the application to p-channel thin film
transistor |
European Mater. Res. Soc. Symp.
Fall Meeting |
Warsaw, Porland |
2008 |
O |
我田 元 |
M2 |
吉村・松下 |
Patterning of
BaTiO3 by Ink-Jet deposition using water-soluble
precursor |
BMMP-8 |
Nagoya, Japan |
2008 |
P |
脇田 崇弘 |
D3社会人 |
八島 |
Structural disorder in the
Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 catalyst: A
possible factor of the high catalytic activity |
XXI Congress and General
Assembly of International Union of Crystallography 2008 |
Osaka, Japan |
2008 |
P |
Byung-hoon Woo |
D2 |
肥後・曽根 |
Hybrid Technology of
Supercritical Fluid Catalyzation and CO2 Emulsion
Electroless Plating for Metallization on Polymer |
The 1st International Symposium
on Supercritical Fluid in Fiber and Textile Science 2008
(ISSF2008) |
Tokyo, Japan |
2008 |
P |
Byung-hoon Woo |
D2 |
肥後・曽根 |
Metallization on polymer via
quantitatively controlled catalyzation in Sc-CO2
and electroless plating with Sc-CO2 emulsion for
micro and nano device |
The 34th International Micro -
Nano Engineering Conference (MNE 2008) |
Athens, Greece |
2008 |
P |
| |